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About TCV Suja

TCV Suja is a charitable Tibetan school, the seed of which was first sowed in 1986. It was initially started as an adult school for a sizeable number of young adults who fled Tibet to seek freedom from suppression and cruelties under Chinese rule. The urgent need of the time then was to help those young adults in education as well as in eventual integration into a foreign society.

high Quality Learning

We prioritize engaging, relevant, and personalized experiences, promoting critical thinking and skill mastery. Effective teaching methods, supportive environments, and meaningful assessments ensure students develop essential skills for success in an ever-changing world.

Talented Staff

Our staff bring expertise, dedication, and creativity to cultivate dynamic learning environments. They inspire students, collaborate with colleagues, and adapt teaching approaches to individual needs, nurturing a culture of excellence and growth within the school community.

Childcare Home Mother

Home mothers contribute invaluable support to schools, fostering a nurturing environment for students. They volunteer, organize events, and provide emotional support, enriching the school community. Their dedication and involvement enhance students’ educational experience and strengthen the bond between home and school.


Dear students, parents, staff members and generous sponsors,
It is with immense joy and gratitude that I welcome you back to our school website after months of silence. The restoration of this digital hub symbolises a renewed chapter in our educational journey.
During this period of hiatus, we have worked diligently to enhance the website’s features and content to better serve our school community. As we reconnect through this virtual portal, lets embrace the opportunities it presents for communication, collaboration and staying informed about the rich tapestry of activities that make our school vibrant.
This revival is a testament to our collective resilience and commitment to providing an enriching educational experience. I encourage each of you to explore the various sections of the website, engage in the wealth of information it offers, and actively participate in the vibrant educational community it represents. Your feedback is invaluable, and we are committed to continually enhancing this digital space to meet the evolving needs of our school community.
We believe in the importance of collaboration between home and school, and our website serves as a bridge between these two vital components of a student’s life. Parents can stay engaged with their child’s progress, upcoming events, and school initiatives, fostering a stronger partnership in the holistic development of our students.
To our esteemed faculty and staff, the website provides a centralized platform for sharing valuable resources, coordinating activities, and promoting a sense of community within our dedicated team.
Thank you for your patience and ongoing support, and I look forward to witnessing the positive impact our renewed website will undoubtedly have on our collective educational experience. Here’s to a new chapter filled with shared accomplishments and boundless possibilities.
Warm regards,
Mr. Ngawang Thupten (Principal)

Hospital Staff

Newsletter Sign Up

📢 Don’t miss out on upcoming events! Join us for our Spring Fair on April 10th. Fun activities, food stalls, and more await. Mark your calendars and bring your family for a day of excitement and community spirit!